Posts Tagged With: vegetables

Aw Shucks

So I’m heading out to Utah for my super squee nerd event – Nerdtacular 2012. Between work and getting ready I was once again bad about blogging earlier this week – hopefully the new Art of Subtlety pictures from yesterday (and a few more upcoming Wordless Wednesdays) will make up for it.

But before I left I wanted to share the latest chuckle brought to us by Soapfi!

As mentioned and pictured before, Soapfi loves her vegetables. Especially corn, with corn on the cob making her head almost OMG explode even more than SWINGS!

She loves it so much that she actually chose a side of corn over french fries when we were at Denny’s the other day. It was Tuesday so kids eat free, Daddy was playing hockey, Mommy is a crap-tastic cook at the best of times, and Original Grand Slams are on sale for $2.99! I quickly decided – let the world judge, we’re eating dinner for about $12 (half of which was the tip because the dude worked hard and it’s not his fault we ordered cheap food!), and she gets crayons too! She ate the entire side of corn with unbridled enthusiasm and delight to while singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” between spoonfuls. Which means Mommy actually got dinner AND a show for $12!

Last night Soapfi and Daddy were shucking corn for dinner, Soapfi was *SO* excited about the prospect that when Daddy turned his back, for what he estimated was three minutes, to get more things out of the fridge and put the meatloaf in the oven he came back to the table to find this:

Yep – she had taken a whole bunch of nibbles out of the raw corn, of course she had to sample all three just to make sure they were equally delicious!

Categories: Holy Crap, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Soapfi Loves

What she loves right now is vegetables. So much so that she can’t even wait until dinner is on the table to get to her peas & carrots. She ate half the bowl before we finally took it away (under much protest by Soapfi) so that there would be some left for Mommy & Daddy!

Oh, and she’s wicked good with devouring an entire cob of corn all on her own too!

I don’t know how long this whole veggie loving phase will last, but I plan to stuff her full of them while I can.

Things are kind of crazy around the house right now, and I’m getting ready for a road trip to nerd out with my friends at Nerdtacular 2012 in Salt Lake City.

Despite personally being out of school for quite awhile, I’m falling into the “school is out for summer” mindset when it comes to blogging, so apologies in advance for the lack of regularity in posting, and slow responses to comments. I’ll get my azz back on track one of these weeks!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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