
Yep, yep – the posts are few and far between, and super short when I even manage to get around to it. What a sad turn of events for the 1 year anniversary of starting this whole thing.  I had really hoped to keep up with it better… then life kept happening.

But we are still here, I am trying to remember to post when funny things happen, and at this point I will take getting something up once a month as a huge accomplishment!

And when tibits like this come out of Soapfi’s mouth it makes it a wee bit easier to do.

Today we went to visit grandma, there are a lot of turns around corners as we wind our way up to her house. We were just going around the last one when Soapfi exclaimed:

“We need to turn more corners!!!”

When I asked why she replied:

“So we can finish our corn field!”

I’m still not sure if she was trying to be funny or if she really thinks that turning corners is where corn comes from!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Corn-y

  1. That is awesomely comprehensive of her! To think she connected corn to corners. In my 34 years, I never thought of that. Very cool.

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