Posts Tagged With: kids say the darndest things

What a Ride

So Soapfi informed me tonight that she would like to go to a festival so she can ride on a “roaster-coaster”.

I have visions of a ride like the Matterhorn, but instead of a Yeti it would be some kind of animal getting revenge for being on a spit and you would go splashing through BBQ sauce at the end.

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Bodily Functions

So it’s been a long time since the last post. Between holidays and other things I just wasn’t inspired to write a damn thing.

A New Year’s Resolution to get back to blogging was made and broken within about 48 hours.

And then potty training started happening, and early on I promised not to go into excruciating TMI about *that* whole ordeal and all the bodily functions associated with it. We are still in the midst of the “Battle for Dry Undies”, and for the most part I won’t go into it much.

But Soapfi did say something too funny the other day to not share… even though it probably doesn’t even flirt with the TMI line but stomps the hell all over it.

So poor Soapfi has been having chronic problems with ear infections (we head to the ENT next week to discuss the possibility/necessity of tubes in her ears), which means she is on Penicillin a lot, which leads to a pH imbalance, which leads to the dreaded yeast beast, which as anyone who has had that particular infection knows – urinating is damn uncomfortable and can sting like the dickens.

At this point we’re just trying to get Soapfi to start telling us she *needs* to use the potty as opposed to just informing us the event has transpired (so far we’re striking out in that department) but the other day we made a slight improvement – she at least told us *while* it was happening by shouting across the room:

“Mom, I’m having spicy pee!”

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